Katarzyna Drogosz

Katarzyna Drogosz specializes in playing historical instruments and is interested in the history and construction of the piano. She is a finalist in the 2007 Musica Antiqua competition in Bruges. As a soloist and chamber musician, she has performed at the Mozartfest in Würzburg, the Tage Alter Musik in Herne, the Mozart Festival in Warsaw, the Trigonale Festival in Carinthia, among others. She has also performed with Capella Cracoviensis, Wrocław Baroque Orchestra and Orchestra Musicae Antiquae Collegium Varsoviense. She is a co-founder of the Laflamme Trio, and regularly collaborates with the Arte dei Suonatori ensemble. He performs with renowned musicians: Geoffrey Govier (piano), Agnieszka Oszańca (cello), Marta Boberska (soprano).

The pianist's numerous recordings include works by Czerny, Weber and Kuhlau with the Laflamme Trio (Coviello Classics), Ludwig van Beethoven Sonatas for piano and cello with Jaroslaw Thiel, and piano works by Franz Xaver Mozart (CD Accord). Two recent CDs in collaboration with Arte dei Suonatori present Polish music.

Katarzyna Drogosz studied under Aleksandra Kowalik and Teresa Manasterska at the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, Stanley Hoogland at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and Robert Hill at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg. Her artistic development was significantly influenced by master classes given by Karl-Heinz Kämmerling, Andreas Staier and Władysław Klosiewicz. She was a student at the Collegium Civitas postgraduate program in cultural diplomacy. She is currently a lecturer there as part of the “Music and Media” study. She received her doctoral degree and teaches at music academies in Katowice and Krakow.


Krzysztof Karpeta
dyrektor artystyczny
Monika Kruk
dyrektor organizacyjny
Justyna Janicka
+48 604 631 615